Two Crabs One Shell



Riding the wave through good and bad tides


Two Crabs-One Shell-Four Wheels

Aaron & Jen's Homeless Journey

We know how hard it is to face the challenges of homelessness, feeling hopeless and helpless, and struggling to survive. We also know how rewarding it is to find a way out of that situation, to discover your true potential, and to create a meaningful and fulfilling life. We have the skills, experience, and compassion to guide you through your journey of personal growth and empowerment, while in crisis.

We aim to not only help on an individual level,  but to raise awareness and advocate for the homeless problem in our community and around the world. We know that homelessness is not always a choice, but a result of complex social and economic factors. We want to share our story and inspire others to take action and make a difference.

If you are interested in working with us, don't hesitate to get in touch through our website. We look forward to hearing from you and supporting you on your journey.


UPDATE: June, 2024

Our Rollercoaster Journey: From Hope to Homelessness and Back Again

Hey everyone,

We’ve got some news to share about our wild ride lately. After our first bout with homelessness, we managed to secure transitional housing and even completed our practicum to become community support workers. Things were looking up, and we were feeling pretty optimistic about the future.

But life threw us a curveball. The organization that provided our housing was renting the property, which was suddenly sold; just like that, all six of us in the program were evicted. Yep, you guessed it—we’re back to living in our car and facing the daily grind of finding resources and supporting ourselves.

Despite these challenges, our passion for advocating for homeless rights hasn’t wavered. In fact, it’s stronger than ever. We’re out here fighting against the system’s loopholes that lead to illegal and unjust evictions, and we’re determined to make a difference.

Living in our car isn’t easy, but it’s given us a unique perspective and a fierce determination to help others in similar situations. We’re using our experiences to shine a light on the issues and push for change. We have now begun documenting our experiences, conducting interviews within the community and advocating for basic human needs.

We couldn’t do this without the incredible support from our community. Your encouragement keeps us going, and we’re so grateful for each and every one of you. Together, we can work towards a fairer system for everyone.

Thanks for sticking with us through the ups and downs. We’re in this together!


If you would like to offer words of support and encouragement or make a monetary donation to help us move forward, please reach out at the email below!


Aaron and Jen’s CSW Journey

We became homeless when we lost our home of 8 years due to an illegal eviction. We felt hopeless and lost, wandering from place to place, looking for help. We decided to join a community support worker program at a nearby college, hoping to use our own experience to help others like us.

It was hard. We had to study while dealing with the daily struggles of finding food, clothes, and a safe shelter. We faced judgment, rejection, and financial problems. We had to fight our own fears and doubts. We never lost hope and faith, but we had our dark moments.


But we made it. Along the way we got support from a local food bank that gave us healthy food, clothes, and hygiene products. We also got help from our teachers and classmates who cheered us on and trusted us.

We finished our practicum hours at the same food bank that helped us, giving back to the community that cared for us. We graduated with our diplomas and moved into transitional housing.


But we didn’t stop there. We started a coaching website where we offer online coaching sessions for personal growth, as well as services for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We also became homeless advocates, raising awareness for the issue.


We are now volunteering as community support workers, and helping others find hope and healing through our website. We are thankful for our journey and proud of our accomplishments.

We aim to be an inspiration to ourselves and others.



With their education and empathy, Aaron and Jennifer are on a mission. They offer a range of services to those in need, including advocacy, navigation of social services, and more.


Community Support Worker Diploma

Pandemic Awareness (Worksite Safety)

Occupational First Aid (OFA Level 1)

Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Privacy and Information Sharing (FOIPPA)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Occupational Health and Safety Awareness (OHSA)

Autism and Neurodiversity In The Workplace

Mental Health First Aid, CA (MHFA)

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Supporting Individuals through Valued Attachments (SIVA)

Health and Safety Awareness (Worksite Safety)

Personal Protective Equipment (Worksite Safety)

Food Safe Level 1

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Every night in Canada, over 35,000 people are sleeping outside or in precarious locations, some visible and some hidden.


Aaron Speaking At City Council - June 24, 2024, Begins at 17min 14 sec
Newspaper Article About Transition Program

Homeless Stats BC

North Vancouver City

Places To Go For Help On The North Shore/Sea 2 Sky

North Shore Homlessness Task Force

North Shore Neighborhood House

Harvest Project

Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre

Sqamish Helping Hands